Key terms on the foundations of migration and human security.
Key Data
Key data sources related to migration and human security, including U.S. immigration enforcement, international migrant and refugee stock, remittances, integration, and human security.
Critical Junctures in U.S. Immigration Policy
Historically, U.S. immigration policies have vacillated between passive acceptance and active exclusion, interspersed with episodes of active recruitment.
Key Terms
Foundations of Migration and Human Security
Human Security: Human security
Defining Integration
Karen Jacobsen, PhD and Charles M. Simpson, with Marina Lazetić,
Financial Inclusion and Financial Health in Migration Contexts
Anastasia Thano and Kim Wilson
Kim Wilson is a Sr.
The Process of Integration
Discourse on refugee urban integration includes both the noun form “integration”—i.e. a condition or goal to be achieved—and the verb “integrating”—i.e. an active process by which individuals, groups, or networks connect over time.
Defining Human Security
Human security argues that seeking the security of the individual or community, as defined by that individual or community, is as important–and sometimes more important–as seeking the security of the state.